Creating an Experiment

Once you have created a project, you can create an experiment.

When you create an experiment, you are shown the experiment page and asked to complete the following tasks:

Once you are done defining the experiment parameters, you can add buffers and proteins via layers and/or drag-and-drop optimization.

This topic explains how to create an experiment and fill in required information on the Experiment page, set the imaging schedule, and modify dispensing properties.

Note: You can also learn how to create an experiment using Rock Maker University. Go through the tutorial, and you will have a working experiment when the tutorial is finished!

Important: Creating an experiment is just one part of the overall experiment design process. Please read the overview before continuing.

At the end of this tutorial, we explain how to unlock dispensed experiments.


To create an experiment:

  1. From the Explorer, right-click a project or a folder within a project and select New Experiment.
  2. Rename the experiment by typing over the default name on the Explorer. Try to be as descriptive as possible.
  3. Fill in the fields on the Experiment tab.
  4. Save your changes by clicking the Save button or by typing CTRL+S.
  5. If necessary, click the Dispensing Properties button and select your dispensing robot.
  6. In the Imaging Schedule and Imaging Settings area, specify an imaging schedule.


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